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Crazy for Color - Kaleidoscope Kit

This month TAC is making available the KALEIDOSCOPE Paper Collection Kit for only $34.95 which includes all of the following:

Kaleidoscope Brites Paper Collection ($19.95)
Kaleidoscope Girlz Paper Colection ($6.95)
Kaleidoscope Boyz Paper Collection ($6.95)
Kaleidoscope "Wordz" 30-stamp set ($10.95)

The total value of this kit is retailed at $44.90. But this month you can get it for $34.95!!! Wowza! All of that paper AND an 30-stamp set? Very generous, huh? I'd say so and such fun paper collections especially for the KIDZ' projects!

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You may purchase my cards and artwork

at my "Paper Blessings" ETSY Shoppe.


All content, including text and pictures is ©Mary Leeson and is intended to be used for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication or contest submission. Thank you so much for visiting us!